Sunday, January 23, 2011

Approaching 50.....

Well, this week was my birthday week...which turned out to be quite nice! I always enjoy birthdays! The only bummer was I am on a diet, weight watchers, and couldn't have cake, but oh well, when given the choice of staying on track or getting off I chose to stay on the dieting track.

When I woke up on the 20th I suddenly realized.....THIS IS THE LAST YEAR I WILL BE IN MY 40's. Yikes...Double Yikes!!! Not to say yikes because I am upset about my age, because honestly it doesn't bother me, but yikes because I have a lot of things left on my list of things to do! I need to get my act together!

My birthday did however prompt the opportunity to reflect on the positive things I have in my life. While reflecting I came to the conclusion that I could honestly be approaching the greatest decade of my life. I feel aches or pains...and what a blessing that is! I am physically fit and quite honestly can keep up with a lot of the 25 and 30 year olds at the's patting myself on the back and giving thanks for this blessing.

Did I mention GRANDCHILDREN? My second granddaughter is due to be born this week...and what a joy she will be in my life...just like her sister. Here's a picture of my firstborn granddaughter...just so you can see my pleasure and joy!

Brooklyn called me on my birthday and wished me happy birthday and even sang to me. that a joy or what! I didn't need anything else after that! My birthday was complete...even though the cute card she colored on for me...made my heart melt!

I could set and write a 20 page blog on the blessings I have and the blessings that will be coming my way...but I won't bore you to tears...I will simply end by saying....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME....LIFE IS GOOD!!!!!