Well, the time is here and my first granddaughter is due to be born...and we are patiently waiting but she has decided to take her time :-) The good news is if my daughter in law has not started labor by Saturday night the doctor is checking her into the hospital and inducing her labor...so one way or the other I will have a granddaughter on Sunday...Monday at the latest. YAHOO!!!! Photos will follow.
I had the opportunity to visit with my son and daughter-in-law this past weekend. Janell is beautifully pregnant and they just moved into their new home! It made me very happy to see the great life they have together. Matt is really excited with his new home, his amazing wife, the opportunity to be a Dad and his job. It makes me pleased as a Mom to see my child's life unfolding in a way that makes him so happy and me so proud.
While visiting with my son I took the opportunity to visit Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Tetons which is only a couple of hours from his home. What an amazing place! I thought I would post a photo of sunrise at the Grand Tetons for your viewing pleasure...this picture was taken about 6:00 in the morning.