Sunday, November 14, 2010

Fruit of Choice for this Season is Pomegranates!!!!

My daughter Bethany introduced me to this wonderful fruit last year when she made her first purchase of pomegranates at Trader Joe's. I am not sure why I had never bought pomegranates before this time but let me quickly say when they are in season they will be in my home! In the northern hemisphere the season is from October to February.

The health benefits coming from pomegranates are numerous. Pomegranates are high in antioxidants and have been dubbed by many as a "miracle fruit." Pomegranates are believed to help support the body's natural defenses against Alzheimer's disease, various cancers, coronary and heart diseases, arthritis and many ailments an aging person experiences. In other words, there are many anti-aging possibilities coming from pomegranates.

Last year when my Granddaughter Brooklyn came to visit in December, she had been dealing with diarrhea for a couple weeks. Her parents had been withholding dairy products under the direction of her pediatrician. Every time they tried to reintroduce dairy she developed diarrhea. Since it was in December we had pomegranates in the fridge and of course like any 15 month old she wanted to eat them. I was a little nervous to give them to her with her stomach issues but of course as a Grandmother I gave in. She loved them and kept wanting more and more. She ate them throughout the day....and this was the last day for her stomach issues!! Her diarrhea went away and I honestly believe it was because of her pomegranate consumption.

If you haven't tried pomegranates I strongly encourage you to do so. Below is a video to show you how to cut and eat the pomegranate if you have questions. ENJOY!!!

Friday, November 12, 2010


Wow, my life has been crazy of recent. Actually, it has been a whirlwind for the past month and now the holidays are fast approaching and life has no sign of becoming easier! Oh my!!!

Recently I spent two weeks in Los Angeles. While in LA my entire normal exercise routine was turned upside down. However, I am so addicted to working out, yes I said addicted, that of course I did not move through my time there without finding a way to workout; however, the routine changed. I attended the Beverly Hills Fitness Center where I continued my practice of yoga. I arose early each day to talk to my family and yes walk 3 miles before work. Just a quick side note, the walks were quite interesting. I had a hotel in Beverly Hills and it is amazing what is going on at 5:30 am!!

Anyway, I did manage to exercise while on my business trip, even though it was not aggressive exercise...but light in nature. When I returned home work was nuts and catchup was crazy! Then, I had a health issue which needed immediate attention, which again altered my normal workout routine. Again, I exercised, but not aggressive exercise like I enjoy most.

After three weeks of only light exercise I returned to the gym and expected to pick up where I left off. WRONG!!! The yoga was fine, the pilates was fine, the runs were fine...even spinning with the Nazi was ok; however, my weight lifting ability had diminished. What? How could that happen? It had only been about 3 weeks! I was shocked!!

I walked back into my weight lifting class fully expecting to get right back into the routine. But to my disbelief the first day back was excruciating. I put the weights on my bar and then began or didn't begin to put it nicely. I got half way through the squats and lunges utilizing the amount of weight I normally used and my legs began to feel like jello. I honestly wanted to cry. All that hard work and I had to lower my weight load, only after 3 weeks. Now, mind you I only lowered it by 5 pounds and have since added weight back...but still to not be able to get right back into the routine after only 3 weeks was quite upsetting.

It really amazes me how quickly muscle mass can diminish and this was quite a new experience for me. Nonetheless, I have kept pushing myself and again it is paying off.

One of my friends recently asked me why I lift weights...and just for the are a few of my reasons:

1. Weight lifting empowers me, I'm not really sure why but I feel stronger and more confident as a person both physically and mentally when I lift.

2. The health benefits are numerous, such as helping you to reduce the risk of arthritis, back pain, osteoporosis and depression. Weight lifting also helps to reduce the risk of heart disease, which is huge in my family!

Just a few reasons I have become an adamant weight lifter...lighter weights and high repetition work for me!!! Give it a try, it can work for you too! Me in my new favorite shirt ;-)