Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Just Sayin'.....

Well, it has been a while since I posted. Since that time much has changed in my life. I graduated from Northern Kentucky University in December 2009 with a degree in Business Administration! YAHOO!!! It was a great day that included all of my children, my beautiful little granddaughter and some of my most loved friends and family!!! Check out the photo above!

Since graduation I have spent some time relaxing, no class at night...I LOVE IT! My evening time has been returned to me. One might ask with all that free time what are you doing? Well, I am not the type to sit idly by...I don't enjoy being idle at all! Therefore, I have chosen to pursue things that I do enjoy, for the first time literally in years!!!

One of my first loves is physical activity. Over the last 7 years I have been a power walker and I have taken some yoga classes, which I also enjoy. However, I did this with a crazy school and work schedule leaving me little time to really pursue all the physical activity I would enjoy.

In January I joined Urban Active in Bellevue, Kentucky. Urban Active is located on the Kentucky side of the Ohio River overlooking the City of Cincinnati. They offer classes such as yoga, kick-boxing, weight lifting (utilizing barbells), zumba, pilates, etc. I had a hard time deciding which classes I wanted to attend so I attended most of them at least once to get a feel for what I wanted to do. I have chosen to do an hour of yoga a week, an hour of Pilates and two hours of weight I run 2 short runs/walks a week (1.4 miles) and I do 2 long runs/walks (about 3 miles). My goal is this year (sometime between end of May and first of August) to run a 5K. If I keep pushing myself...I just might make it!

I do recommend Urban Active for all those individuals looking for a gym. Hopefully, you will not become addicted like I have. Check it out at

I also recommend for those individuals looking to run a 5K the Couch Potato to 5K running method. You can check it out at It is working for me!

I am also pursuing other employment...specifically employment with greater benefits and income! I am looking particularly in the medical field pursuing account management or a sales rep position. Wish me luck! I have been employed in sales for over 3 years now and have had a lot of success.

Life is starting to look up for me...just sayin'......

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