Monday, June 9, 2008

The Grand Canyon

At the end of a recent business trip, I was afforded the opportunity to take a mini vacation. Since the business trip was in Las Vegas, Nevada there were quite a few places in the west to choose from. But fortunate for me there was only one place my body was willing to take me....and that was one of the most incredible places on earth....The Grand Canyon! I even love saying those words! This was my second visit to the Canyon and while the weather was not as cooperative this time as the first I still loved every second of it since in my personal opinion this is one of the most inspiring places on earth.

The photo above was taken of me the last evening I spent in the Canyon. As you will notice notice from the photo...I was sitting on the very edge of the Canyon at sunset! It was incredible! Even looking at the photos makes my heart race.

As I mentioned the weather wasn't cooperative the first couple of days; however, on a very positive note this allowed some beautiful photos to be taken. The photo below was taken of a storm that was occurring over the Canyon. At the end of the storm we were hoping for a rainbow. While a rainbow did not happen...the sun did shine through and the rays shining on the Canyon were amazing.

Sunrise occurred very early on the Canyon, at 5:15 a.m. actually. Most mornings I was out of bed around 4:45 to get dressed to enjoy this beautiful moment in time. The photo below was taken of a sunrise on the Canyon. You can see the skies were cloudy but yet Mr. Sunshine was able to shine through and make his appearance. The beauty was such that it simply takes your breath away.

The photo below is a panoramic photo taken at Hopi Point. This was one of the last days I spent at the Canyon and the weather had quite an improvement. There were several clouds in the sky which created beautiful shadows over the Canyon. If you look closely to the left of the photo you will see the Colorado River which runs right through the Canyon.

My hope in life is to some day hike the Canyon. Since I have little sense of direction I definitely need those with me that are skilled in that area. While I have not accumulated a group as of yet...I hope to do so.

On a similar note, while leaving the Canyon and returning to Las Vegas to catch my flight we were able to see Hoover Dam which is quite an interesting place. We were also able to enjoy some nice views of Lake Meade. For your viewing pleasure I have attached a photo below. And yes, the water really was that blue!

Also along the ride home in a small town not far from Hoover Dam (sorry but I can't remember the name) we discovered several desert big horn sheep. They were absolutely gorgeous! We watched them for about 45 minutes and got some great photos. They didn't mind that we were there so we took the time to enjoy them.

To finish my blog...I must mention that I can not take credit for any of these wonderful photos. They were taken by a very close friend of mine who will remain nameless since I did not ask permission to use the name. My friend claims to be an amateur photographer but those of who know this person know fully well amateur is not the appropriate description.


Anonymous said...

You should go to the Canyon with me...I have a great sense of direction and I am physically capable of hiking it with you. It would be fun! Your call!

PS I don't take good photos like that though

Anonymous said...

Who wrote this?

Anonymous said...

Who wrote this

The Fischer Family said...

Jeannie that looks so amazing! I've always wanted to go the Grand Canyon! For now, I'll live vicariously through your pictures!!!

Anonymous said...

you mean you were in VEGAS and didnt tell me?? I live in Vegas! It looks like you had a lot of fun though!