Sunday, January 6, 2008

Since my daughter has earned the official title of "Queen of Technology" in our household I tend to pay very close attention to her conversations with her friends. By doing so I feel like I am keeping up with all the latest trends in technology. The most recent conversations have included the words "Been Up To" and have included hysterical stories about different people and "Been Up To." As I listened to the conversations I was a little confused...what could they possibly be talking about? I became more curious and finally asked Beth, "What are you talking about when you say "Been Up To?" Her response was, "It's just a website."

Well needless to say I became curious enough to look up the website...and what I found was very interesting. You see someone has been spying on me, literally following me around and taking pictures of me, well, at not the best times. There were pictures of me posted all over this website, pictures of me sleeping in my easy chair...WITH MY MOUTH WIDE OPEN!!! Thank goodness I have teeth! There were pictures of me in my pajamas, there were pictures of my Christmas tree, pictures of the 2 failed pumpkin cakes I made at Christmas, pictures of my son and his wife sleeping on my sofa, pictures of a very dear friend sleeping in my easy chair and at my graduation and pictures of me being goofy at a hockey game. Who in the world could this spy be and how in the world did they get so many photos of me. They must have used a zoom lens. a ton of bricks it hit me and I realized that the spy lived within the walls of my home...and she had just bought a new Blackberry Pearl phone with a camera and wireless internet..and once she sneaked a it went to

My point of this blog is this. Be careful, you may have spies in your home as well, don't walk around in your underwear, don't pick your nose while driving and most importantly don't fall asleep with your mouth open if you don't have teeth....because the world will now be able to view it...through the photos posted on

Check it out at your earliest convenience! I am sure there will be photos of me recently submitted doing something weird!


Bethany said...

I'm not a love me.

Anonymous said...

So your the lady who was sleeping with her mouth open. Hehe. Just kidding.
-beenup2 user :)

Anonymous said...

you don't know this - but you are "FAMOUS" on! truely a great story though! =)

Jeannie said...
