On January 31, 2008, the first show of the fourth season of LOST will premiere. I can not begin to tell you how excited that makes me feel! Every day since January 1st I have marked the days off my calendar, my own little personal countdown if you will, till this day rolls forth. It makes me happy just to think about it.
You see, I watch very little televison, mainly due to my very hectic lifestyle; however, when Thursday nights roll around, beginning on January 31st, nothing will stop me from being in front of the television to see the new and exciting season of LOST begin.
I have had several individuals ask me what I like most about this show. Some have even asked, "Is it the hot guys?" Duh!!!! Of course, Sawyer, Jack and Sayid are about the best looking men I know!!! And I do enjoy that...but believe me that is not what I enjoy the most. So I took the time to compile a list of my favorite things and they are:
1. The physical abilities of the men and women.
2. The island, which has become a character in and of itself, and the many mysteries surrounding it such as the island's healing power.
3. The many clues about the future in each show that you have to watch ever so closely to pick up on. This show makes you use your brain!!!
4. Each character has a story and issues...and it is very interesting to learn about their pasts in the flashbacks...things that have brought them to this point in time.
5. Finding some of the Losties in other Losties flashbacks. How cool that is!
6. The Others and the way they manage to stay a step ahead of the Losties at all times.
7. The Dharma Inititaive and the many things they left behind.
8. The animal life and beautiful scenery...especially the Polar Bears!
9. Walt and his mysterious ways! He seems to be John Locke's new best friend.
10. John Locke and his ability to know the future...somehow, someway!
11. Who the heck is Jacob? What's his story?
Recently ABC released a trailer for the first show of the fourth season, which of course has appeared on YouTube and I have watched it over and over again...pausing the video every second, literally, to see if I can pick up new information. Yes, I am that in love with LOST!!! Actually, there are several things I have picked up on in the newly released trailer which may interest you LOST lovers. I will list some of them...so you curious watchers who haven't taken the time to slow down the video, may become a little more curious. I am also going to post the trailer at the end of this blog...so perhaps you should watch it first and see if you can spot any of these little secrets I have picked up on.
1. Why is Jack's father, who is deceased, shown sitting in a chair in Jacob's cabin wearing that same suit?
2. Since Charlie is dead why is he seen talking to Hurley on the island sporting a great looking new jacket?
3. I thought Naomi was dead...why is she holding a knife to Kate's throat while standing under a tree? Does this have anything to do with the island's healing powers?
4. What is up with the number 6 that keeps flashing throughout the video?
5. What is the purpose of all the yellow fruit in one huge pile? It doesn't appear to be on the island....
6. What are Sayid (what a man!) and Sawyer (cute little southern guy) holding Jack back from as he screams, "Let me go!"
7. Hurley looks really scared as he screams and runs through the jungle! Did he find Jacob?
These are only a few of the items I have managed to pick up on that are hard to catch; however, I am postive there are others. Enjoy watching the trailer!
P.S. For my fellow LOST fans...we only have 23 days to go! The countdown continues. Are you as excited as I am????
You are such a dork momma, but I will watch it with you!! Unless, hockey is on!!
You have way too much free time on your hands!
Jeannie Porter, I love you! You are about the same way with Lost as I am with Grey's Anatomy! Nothing draws me away from the TV on Thursday night either- and for me, it's all about the hot men!!!!!
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